28 Apr Pain Management Why do we sometimes use Cupping Therapy in our treatments? 28/04/2022 By Ornela This is a question we get asked a lot in clinic. Basically, cupping therapy is an ancient method to move st...Continue reading
28 Apr Health, Health Articles Acupuncture as quoted by WHO 28/04/2022 By Ornela Quoted from The World Health Organization: In the hands of a well-t...Continue reading
26 Apr Health Articles, Stress, Sleep +Tiredness Why am I always so tired? 26/04/2022 By Ornela A very common complaint that we hear from patients in clinic … is that they constantly feel tired. Continue reading
17 Mar Health Articles, Pain Management, Women's Health Endometriosis and how TCM may help 10/04/2022 By Ornela by Dr Juanita Fuchs (Acupuncture)Continue reading
15 Mar Health, Health Articles, Men's Health, Seniors Health, Skin Problems and Rejuvenation, Women's Health What does your face say about your health? 10/04/2022 By Ornela by Dr Rachel Woo (TCM)Continue reading
17 Feb Children's Health, Emotional + Mental Health, Men's Health, Mental Emotional Health, Stress, Sleep +Tiredness, Women's Health ANXIETY – from a Chinese Medicine viewpoint 10/04/2022 By Ornela Continue reading
17 Feb Health Articles Use of Chinese Herbal Medicine in Covid-19 10/04/2022 By Ornela Continue reading