10 Aug Health Articles, Pain Management Acupuncture for Lower Back Pain 10/08/2022 Featured By morningside Lower back pain is one of the most common complaints we treat in clinic. This is no surprise as 16% of ...Continue reading
23 Apr Digestive Health, Food + Diet Therapy Eat Seasonal Produce for Good Health this Autumn 10/04/2022 Featured By Ornela Seasonal Produce for Good Health How and what we eat, determines o...Continue reading
04 Oct Awareness, Health Inner Peace 04/08/2020 Featured By Ornela Without inner peace ... outer peace is impossible. Here we share some ideas on how you can find your inner peace and let g...Continue reading
20 Apr Emotional + Mental Health, Stress, Sleep +Tiredness HOW NATURE BOOSTS OUR MENTAL WELL-BEING 20/04/2023 By morningside Are you feeling a little blue? Try going outside. Researchers worldwide have proven what we all know to be true, spending time in...Continue reading
17 Apr Emotional + Mental Health, Stress, Sleep +Tiredness RHYTHMIC BREATHING IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SKILL WE TEACH OUR PATIENTS 17/04/2023 By morningside Just focusing on breathing in, is not going to relax you Taking a few minutes every morning to focus on our breath is the most importa...Continue reading
27 Mar Emotional + Mental Health, Patient Care WE LOVE A GOOD CRY 27/03/2023 By morningside At Life Synergy, we believe that allowing our emotions to flow freely is the key to our health and well-being. It can be uncomfortab...Continue reading
18 Mar Patient Care YOUR TRUST IN WHAT WE DO MEANS THE WORLD TO US 18/03/2023 By morningside By Jonathan Yang It is so incredibly thrilling for our health and wellness experts when one of our existing patients refers ...Continue reading
18 Mar Food + Diet Therapy What do the five food flavours mean for your body? 18/03/2023 By morningside When we think about food, most of us think about how it tastes when we are eating it. And that’s because how something tastes when we p...Continue reading
13 Mar Emotional + Mental Health, Health Articles How Transformational Acupuncture can support your mental wellness 13/03/2023 By morningside We all want to feel good in both our bodies and mind, but the reality is that many of us struggle with some form of mental illness....Continue reading
20 Feb Patient Care CARING DEEPLY ABOUT OUR PATIENTS SETS US APART 21/02/2023 By morningside At Morningside Acupuncture, we take the time to really listen to our patients about why they’ve come to...Continue reading
16 Jan Health Articles Promoting Health in Summer 16/01/2023 By Rachel Woo Summer is a Yang season, which embodies expansion, luxurious growth, brightness and outward activity. To live in ...Continue reading