Health Articles

Stress – Is it affecting your fertility?

by Dr Juanita Fuchs (Acupuncture)

Never underestimate the power of the mind!

Stress, anxiety and negative thoughts all impact negatively on fertility.
Ironic isn’t it, that the one thing we want more than anything is sometimes being stopped from happening because of how much we want it!

We seem to use the term stress a lot which can often lead to it losing its
impact. It is also such a subjective term, so it can be difficult for people to
identify whether they are stressed until they are actually in an extreme state. I see this a lot in clinic and it’s especially prevalent when it comes to fertility.

The human body is programmed with a fight or flight response to high
stress situations. In years gone by, this would have assisted us when faced
with an extreme situation like an encounter with a sabre-tooth tiger, for example. In our modern society however, we are faced with chronic low grade, persistent stress because of our over complicated and demanding lifestyles; work stress, financial stress, family stress, unhealthy lifestyle stress and even negative emotion stress. This type of stress is something that our bodies are not built to manage very well.

Stress and anxiety contribute to infertility predominantly because of the
increase hormone cortisol. High levels of cortisol lead to immune, digestive
and reproductive suppression. It essentially creates a hormone imbalance
within your body. And when your hormones aren’t balanced your fertility is compromised.

Chronic stress can lead to a decrease in pelvic blood flow/fallopian tube
movement and result in poor egg nourishment and transportation.
Furthermore, it can impede the sperm’s already arduous journey to reach
the egg, making it even harder for conception to occur.

How can acupuncture help? One of the effects of acupuncture is its ability
to reduce sympathetic nervous system stimulation. When your body is in a
state of sympathetic nervous response (fight or flight) all the body’s
resources are recruited in the effort to survive, thus redirecting blood flow away from the reproductive organs. Acupuncture has the effect of
stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest), thereby
re-establishing blood flow to the reproductive organs and eliciting a calm
and relaxed feeling in the mind and body.

In navigating the path to optimal fertility, understanding how the body works and how your lifestyle can directly impact this process is key. Chinese Medicine is a holistic approach that encompasses all aspects of mental, physical and emotional health – this includes achieving our natural state of fertility.

To find out more or if you would like to talk to me about how I can
assist you on this journey, please do not hesitate to get in touch.