Cool Kids are Healthy Kids
When our kids are back at school, they can be more vulnerable to those dreaded germs and bugs
So, keep them safe this coming school term. Along with a healthy balanced diet, regular exercise, good sound sleep each night, regular clinic check-ups or “tune-ups” as some of our Mums like to call them, can really help your child to stay well, balanced, focused and able to cope with life.
Dr Mark McAuliffe has a way of helping children to relax, especially those with a needle phobia. (Overcoming that phobia can be of great benefit at any age.)
Keeping their immune system strong is the key. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) there are many factors to be considered and nurtured to ensure our immune system provides us with its valuable “protective layer”.
Cool Kids are Healthy Kids
What we give our children to eat and drink plays a major part in strengthening and maintaining their immune system.
Our kids, too, can feel stressed and run down and it’s especially during these times that their immune system and Defensive Qi require a broad spectrum of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in order to recover and thrive. These vital nutrients are best found from a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, plus healthy sources of protein, carbohydrates and fats.
Spicy, pungent and warming foods such as onions and radishes are great, along with spices such as cinnamon, pepper, ginger and chilli. Depending on the age and taste preferences of your child, they more or may not enjoy these richer, spicy
In Chinese Medicine we know that exposure to excessive wind can result in a Wind Attack, weakening our Defensive Qi. Encourage your little ones to stay in indoors during windy weather or at least, rug up especially around their neck and shoulders while they’re venturing outdoors.
It’s understood that toxins from cigarette smoke can compromise the body’s immune system and damage the airways. So, discourage children of all ages to smoke and prevent them from passive smoking at all times.
Regular exercise is vital for the health and wellbeing of our children.
As well as them expending some of their energy by running around, regular exercise can also be a valuable way for them to manage their stress levels. Some great stress-coping tools are as useful to our children as they are for us, so encouraging them to learn any sport they like. Meditation, Y
Having regular, good, sound sleep is also another important factor helping their bodies on many levels.
It’s during their sleeping hours that the body can repair and restore itself, ready to go again the next day. Some herbal medicine or herbal teas can assist in getting them off to sleep, as can some deep breathing exercises.